Christmas Hope
Christmas Hope
As Christmas quickly approaches, we ask that
you remember Central Avenue Center of Hope
in your holiday plans. We are currently in need of unwrapped new or
gently used gifts for Christmas Hope project.
These gifts are for all ages of children and can include new or gently
used toys, books, games, hats, scarves, socks and gloves. The gifts will
be provided to less fortunate parents and grandparents who are unable to give gifts to their children and grandchildren.
We will be handing out Wish list forms to the families at the Thanksgiving dinner and the Feed the Elderly Thanksgiving basket distribution event and asking the parents, guardians or grandparents to complete and return the forms to the Center by December 12th.
The board will try to fulfill the wish list suggestions with the items
that are donated. These will be handed out with the Christmas meal
and individual Christmas gifts.
You can donate items, or gift wrap, bags, bows, tape or donate money
and the board members would be happy to shop for you. Please have
your items or money to the Center by December 12th. Please do not ship them to the Center.